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Career Navigation

Make the right choices at the right time

Yogi Berra famously quipped, “When you come to a fork in the road, take it!” Career navigation coaching brings forward everything you need to consider to make the best possible decision for the next step of your career. Together, we take stock of your professional past, present and future in the context of the overall life you want to create. You’ll remember your gifts, reclaim your passion and pinpoint what you need in order to be fulfilled through your work. Most important of all, you’ll get moving, with a partner and sounding board to help you clear the obstacles each step of the way.

Career Navigation Coaching Packages

Career Navigation Essentials

This 6-month package will get you clear on what’s driving your desire for change and will help you nail down a plan for what you need to do to get moving in a new direction. Your package includes:

Foundation Work:

90-minute in-depth session to fully understand your situation, challenges and opportunities.
Written plan of objectives and outcomes for coaching.
Choice of Enneagram or Kolbe Career MO+ assessment.

Coaching Time:

9 pre-scheduled, bi-monthly calls of 1 hour
Two email exchanges per month for questions or challenges that arise between sessions
Co-designed monthly assignments & accountability-tracking
Wrap-up Session of 1 hour to celebrate progress and brainstorm resources for ongoing growth

Total Transition Package

Go beyond envisioning what your career will look like a year from now to actually stepping into a new, more fulfilling reality. In this 12-month package, you receive additional time, support and resources to empower big change. An application is required; only a handful of spaces are available each year to ensure that Total Transition clients receive extra attention.

Foundation Work:

Immersion Day: A deep dive to accelerate self-discovery and action planning
Detailed coaching plan with quarterly goals and outcomes
Choice of two assessments: Enneagram, Life Purpose Map, Kolbe Career MO+ or Thomas Kilmann

Coaching Time:

16, 1-hour sessions
“Coaching-on-demand”: 10-15 minute calls for support with questions or challenges between sessions
Unlimited email support: perfect for reviewing strategy documents, communication drafts, presentations, etc.
Co-designed monthly assignments & accountability-tracking
Wrap-up Session to celebrate progress and to identify resources for continued success


Fire the Inner Critic: Journaling templates and a session to neutralize any beliefs that keep you playing small
Meet Your Inner Mentor: A power-session that includes a guided visualization and tips for ongoing access to your brilliance
“First 90 Days” Success Map: Whether you re-start your current role or move on to a new venture, we’ll create a strategy to launch you successfully
Audio recordings of all sessions
Customized coaching binder with worksheets and thought-starters

Ready to Kick It up a Notch?

Schedule a free consultation and we’ll see if we’re a good fit to work together: You bring your toughest challenges and most audacious goals. I’ll listen, prod (gently) and map out an initial strategy to get you where you want to go.